Saturday, July 10, 2010

AWARDS... I'm honored!

I'm sorry for the long absence! I'll talk to you about it later on a proper post. For now I want to thank Victoria from Batzy Rockshop for giving me these two awards. They are my very first awards, so they mean a lot to me! I'm glad that even one person considers my blog "award worthy"!
The rules that come along with these two awards are the following:
Put the award on your blog or in a post

Pass the award to 12 bloggers

Link the nominees with your blog

Let the nominees know by commenting on their blog

Share the ♥ and link the person who gave it to you!

4 Rules go along with this award:
Rule 1: Thank the person that gave you the award.
Rule 2: Share 7 things about yourself.
Rule 3: Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic.
Rule 4: Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
Since I've received those two awards together I' m going to "cheat" a little and give them to 15 bloggers all together, not necessarily all recently discovered (it would be a really long list of 27 bloggers if I wanted to do it properly). So here we go (in no particular order):
Go check them all out. I'm sure you'll find inspiration and some eye candy that won't disappoint you.
(Oooops! I forgot to mention the 7 things about me!)
1. I have a tattoo on my big toe of my right foot.
It's the same tattoo that my friend Afrodite has.
We had it together about 12 years ago.
 I'm considering  of having another one
but I haven't decided it yet.
2. I hit around often. TOO often. And I bruise easily.
TOO Easily! My mom always calls me
"The Princess and the Pea".
3. I can't resist to Carbonara. NEVER!
Even if I have already eaten I will eat it anyway,
until I'm so full that I'll want to throw up!
4. I've never broken a bone but I have had several stitches.
5. I have a nose and a belly button piercing.
6. I have a brother and a sister.
They are 3 1/2 years younger than me.
They are twins.
7. I sweat,  A LOT! I think my body thermostat
is broken because I heat up really easily!

Ok, that was it for the useless information of the day.
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!
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  1. thank you so much for the awards :) you are very sweet!

  2. EEEKKK! Thank you so much! I'm just tickled that I'm one that came to your mind!!!!! Thanks for reading and it was fun getting to know things about you. I have boy girl twins like your brother and sister! Did you know that it makes it likely for your grandkids to have twins? Well the girls anyway.

  3. Thanks for the awards! I am honored! And guess what? My husband lived in Greece for 2 years (from 2001-2003) I didn't know you were from there until now! (I have looked at your blog before). we are stopping in Greece a couple times on our cruise this month. I am so excited to see that beautiful place.

  4. thank you for the awards! i'm flattered :)

  5. Aw, thanks Angeliki! I'm all blushing over here. How fun to have twin siblings. I always kinda wished I had a twin. My g-ma was a twin and I wonder if someday I might have twins myself!

  6. aww! Thanks so much for the awards!


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