On my last year in Athens and having almost finished my studies on Technology of Graphic Arts, every time I got asked "What would you like to do next?" or "How do you see yourself in the next few years?" my answer was really simple. I didn't want to do anything related to my profession or graphic arts in general.
"I'm dreaming about having my own little shop where I can have inside all the things that I would create. I don't care if they will sale or not. I'll just be satisfied of being able to lock myself inside it and create, create, create!"
Wishful thinking, I was thinking at the time.
After returning back home I’ve continued experimenting with many different things. The thing about me is that my “creative bug” gets bored easily, so after a while one by one my creative techniques stop being so… creative. I’m always up for new challenges. It’s like a never-ending process trying to learn more and more new things. At this point it has started my obsession with bottles and anything that had to do with the sea, the beach and worn out pieces of wood.My sister has been working in a bar and she would collect for me all the empty bottles that had an interesting shape. I still have a really big collection of those! I have been gluing sand, seashells, thin ropes and different little treasures from the beach like crazy or even painting on them!
And all of these have been given as a gift to someone. I hardly ever keep anything for myself and sometimes I regret it.
Like this one.
A piece of old wood, worn out by the sea.
I've cut out a stencil out of cardboard, painted it and
while it was still wet I've sprinkled some glitter on it.
It was a gift that has never been appreciated! Too bad!….
Around that time (or was it a little bit earlier? Hmm... I'm not really sure... maybe something in between.) I've also had my first sales. My friend Afrodite was working in a coffee shop and she was wearing some of my creations (earrings, brooches e.t.c.), so she would occasionally get asked "where did you find this or that?"
and she got me in contact with some of these girls that loved to buy my creations. Also, her boss had a little shop and she was selling faux bijoux and decorative stuff and she was kind enough to let me put some of mine in it. I was really excited about this but during that time I haven't put any serious thought about the possibility of actually pursuing this dream and begin to create "more seriously", it was more like a hobby to me. My father used to say that I had to find a "real job" and I was so frustrated about it that I couldn't think of anything else. So, I've let the chance to just pass me by with the ridiculous excuse that I wasn't ready yet.
I haven't put down crafting thought. I have kept experimenting more and more with different materials and different techniques. Plus, I was hired as a part-time teacher of art in elementary schools, so my creativity was channeled elsewhere. I've also discovered another love of mine.
A Summer Camp Craft for kids
A plaster doll
A candy basket.
Birthday gift for a friend
made with a coffee can,
paint, canvas flowers and
decorative butterflies
Painted canvas as
a decoration for a school play
(to be continued...)
Check the previous part of my history here.