Saturday, August 07, 2010

Latest News

Many things have happened. That's why I've been away.
It seems that the Vido Summer Camp Program will be extended until August 31st. It's really annoying looking forward for the end of something and then -all of a sudden- someone else is making decisions about you, without even asking for your opinion. I feel really frustrated. But I don't really want to talk more about that because it makes me sad. From yesterday I feel as if someone has drained all the energy out of me.
The other news is that this lost little doggy
has finally found its owner.
I was happy because I know how it feels to loose your doggy but at the same time I felt really sad because I wasn't there when they came to pick her up. Plus, I kind of thought that she would stay with me after all. Anyway... I think I've made my good act for this month.
Finally, I leave you with some random photos of some
of the crafting that we did with the kids.
Have A Lovely Day
and wish me courage!
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  1. YAY finally finished my post with blog awards and guess what you are also on my list ;) I enjoy reading your blog, because it's full of different creative inspiration! XO. Vera

  2. you have every right to feel frustrated about that! But.. theres nothing you can really do and it will be good for the kids so stay positive! xo

  3. I love projects with kids, those look so fun. I just did VBS which is vacation bible school at our church and did 'snack crafts' with our kids. Fun.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments. It's a difficult situation because I love those kids and I really want to do what's best for them but the problem is with those who take charge of this program and they are IMPOSSIBLE! But I'll get by... :-)


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