Sunday, August 01, 2010

Getting To Know You - Sunday

After missing 2 Sundays of
"Getting To Know You",
I'm back again.
1. If you were to win an award today, what would it be for?
For being the most patient person in the world!
2. What is your shoe style?
Flip-flops! Or any kind of shoe that lets
my feet breathe and be comfortable.
3. Does your car reflect your personality?
I suppose it does. My car is a yellow Mini Cooper
that's 30 years old. I think it suits me perfectly!
4. If you could take over someone's body for a day..whose would you choose?
Hmmm... no-one's. I don't like to control people
as I don't like to be controlled myself.
5. Love or be loved?
Love! But it's always so perfect to be loved back!
6. If you were on death row, what last meal would you choose?
Carbonara. Yes, I'm sure I would choose carbonara!
7. Have you been on vacation this Summer, if so where?
I haven't been on actual vacation yet, but since
I live on an island I'm around beach all the time.
8. What is your favorite food related guilty pleasure?
Chocolate! Everywhere with everything!

Play along, copy the questions,
post them and link them back to

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1 comment:

  1. You live on an island? Oh, that sounds wonderful! I like to visit Nantucket. I love islands! I am definitely with you on the footwear!

    Cute blog- love the background!


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