Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy LAST Year! - hahahaha

I can't believe it! It's been a year!
With ups and downs but always together. It's amazing! A whole year without a fight and not even a day apart! And we went through so many ruff situations. Ok, we had our quarrels now and then but nothing too serious and we always ended up laughing about it. We are the same but totally different at the same time! He always makes me laugh, ALWAYS!
He has an unstoppable sense of humor.
He's not afraid to make a fool out of himself
and that makes him soooo cool in my eyes!
And we have so many inside jokes to jiggle about ! Like this one for our anniversary. When we had our first-month-versary, I made him a special card and I had written outside "Happy 1st Month". What he read was "Happy LAST Month"! It was hilarious! Since then we laugh about it ALL THE TIME! So, what better to wish ourselves now "Happy LAST Year!" I don't know if it sounds so funny to you too, but we think it's very funny.
Stathis and I first met 4 years ago. He was a friend of a friend's and we used to hang out at the same places,
so we kind of "meet out together", not "going out together". :-) During that period I had a crush on somebody else (someone who wasn't so much worth it after all, since nothing has happened) so I wasn't paying any attention around me. I always thought he was a nice guy and I was really enjoying his company but nothing more.
Then I had not seen him for about 1 year or 2, except just a few times that we run on each other on the street and just exchanged "hellos". So, a year ago we had once again one of these "run on each other" kind of meetings. He was so kind and polite, he was saying that he was so sorry that we don't meet anymore (me & the others) and that we had so much fun every time we went out and one thing led to another until he asked me if I had a Facebook account and "maybe I'll see you around there". And he did, quite some time later, but he did. I almost had forgotten that we had met that day. He was friendly and soooo polite (I always tell him that since then "you were acting so polite just to get me" - hahahaha), he was telling me that he was having some really ruff time and needed to get out more so we had our first "date" on a friendly bases. After all that was what he had told me, "go out... as friends". It was a good approach because if he had made another move I may had backed out. I wasn't into going into a relationship at the moment, I was tired and disappointed and... not in the mood! So, the friendly approach was THE BEST attitude! I got to know him better, I got to like him and finally... I got to be with him! And -BOY!- have we had some really good times since then or what?!
Everything has happened so smooth and seemed so natural, like we had known each other FOR EVER! I didn't have second thoughts about him, I accept everything he says and does without a sense of skepticism and always with a sense of humor. He's like a little child, at times he's even soooo naive that I understand that really he "didn't mean the STUPID THING he said" he just wasn't thinking. So, that's what our quarrels are about more or less, stupid misunderstandings that we laugh about them in the end, or make them our inside jokes. But the thing that I really like about him is that even through some difficult times that he's been through, he remained (and remains) so optimistic and relaxed (something that I'm not) and that gives me the balance that I need, I suppose. I don't know if we'll be together for ever, but I know that this years has passed so fast that I didn't take notice, or I was having so much fun that I didn't realized it!
Happy LAST Year my beloved bo-boy!
(that is another one of our jokes- hehehe)
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