Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm In Pain!

It's so sad but funny at the same time! Yesterday I woke up and I was feeling alright. Just a little  ache  because  of my period but nothing too extreme or unusual. And all of a sudden -BANG!- I couldn't move! Seriously!
My back aches so bad that I can't move.  The funny part is that I walk around like an eighty years old granny holding my back. All that's missing now it to sit on a chair and crochet or knit (I do all these anyway, but not with the proper attitude).
I'm in pain but it's also hilarious.  I lay on the bed and then I can't stand up, I twist and roll over trying to find the right position that it will hurt me less so I can get out of it.  Oh, this old age doesn't come on its own, it brings along so many problems! :-) I thought maybe it's some kind of a cold or something, because last night it was really chilly and I woke up freezing because I was uncovered. I don't know what else to think.
The only position that I'm comfortable in is this:
(images via We Heart It with links)
but since I'm at work I can't stay like this all day.
For now all I can do is take some pain killer pills,  rub my back with a analgesic thermal cream that I have
 and pray that I'll get better soon.
Do you have any other suggestions?
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  1. oh my :( hot shower/bath is also good as a muscle relaxing! hope you feel better soon! XO.

  2. Thank you so much! I'll try everything! :-)

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