I've been an awful - AWFUL - blogger these days, I know! But, please, take it easy on me, I'm TOO tired to do anything. TOO tired and TOO uninspired! I hope that this situation will change soon.
The Summer Camp has been draining all the energy out of me. I have to wake up at 7.00 a.m. every morning, Mondays to Fridays and return home at around 15.00-15.30 p.m. so tired to even eat anything, so the only thing I can do is take a shower and hit the bed. I love working with kids but this time it's been a really tiring job, plus it has so much talking-behind the scenes and misunderstandings with the "bosses" that has made me to really looking forward to end. Thank God, next Friday isn't so far away!
In the afternoon I have to go to work. My shop is open in the morning, thanks to my dad, but I have to replace for my absence in the afternoon. So, 18.00-20.30 p.m. I have to be there, EVERYDAY! Plus, Saturday mornings 9.00-14.30 p.m.
I'm a mess!
I have neglected my dog because
I don't have the time or the energy to play with her...
At least I feed her!
I've neglected my blog because I'm tired,
so uninspired and I have lack of spare time...
my shop is a mess because
I don't have the time to make anything...
(sorry for the Christmas picture
but this is all I have right now)
my house is a mess...
Fortunately, I do the dishes and throw away the garbage
that is not an actual picture of my house,
I'm too ashamed to show it off, but you get the picture
my social life is a mess because every time I go out
I'm TOO tired and sleepy...
I even have left my friends and gone to
get some sleep in the car the other day!
I don't eat properly (because lately I haven't even had the time to go to the Super Market), I don't sleep enough (or at least as much as I would want-need) and it seems to me that the day should have more hours for me so I could catch up with everyone and everything. I have put too many melons under one arm and it's my fault. I don't know how I've made this kind of mess.
I have so many ideas going around my head these days about some new projects that I'd like to be involved in but I have to relax, gather my thoughts, take it easy and organize my time. I don't know when this is going to happen. I hope by the end of August or at least around September. I also have this giveaway that I have postponed it for WAAAAY TOO LONG! I'm soooooooooo sorry! REALLY!!!
I want to be creative again. Start making new things and be inspired! I'll be back as a better me, soon. I promise!
Any ideas?
Have you ever been
in such a mess?
How do you deal with
this kind of situation?

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