Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Oilcloth Bag & Pillow Case

I think my sewing skills are improving and I haven't even started the Home EC Class yet! I'm impressed by myself, really! I wanted to give another try to my last project which turned out totally different than what I had in mind.
Remember this Totebag?
Well, I think that this time I made something that is a little bit closer to it. I couldn't help but change the measurements a little bit ONCE AGAIN! -What's wrong with me?! I always have to put a little extra? Why can I just trust the experts and follow their instructions?! Huh?!!!- Anyway, here is what I've made this time, and I can say that I'm really proud of myself.
Mine is a little bit shorter
(remember the change I've made?)
I've also made a pillow case based on this tutorial. Well, I started with the tutorial and then tried to adjust it on a pillow that I had around (experimenting... AGAIN! - can't follow ALL the instructions step-by step remember?) Well, it has its flaws but it turned out ok I think.
Here you can see the flaw
but it isn't such a big deal
So, do you like them?
Do you also have the IMPOSSIBLE habit
of changing the measurements and patterns?
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  1. yes! i always adapt things as i go! haha.
    well done with the tote! looking great :)
    Pillowcase looks cool but complicated so well done! Normally i make pillowcases that have an overlapping section as i found it easier ;)

  2. lol yes i do have issues changing measurements! i really like this fabric :)


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