Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tea Time

What was last night all about?
In front of the tv,
like a proper Granny! - hahaha
And the result. Unfinished though, because for me
these fingerless gloves seem TOO plain!
I'll have to add some things to decorate them!

Also, I want to thank Maria Z for offering me this blog award!
It means a lot to me and I really appreciate it!

Now, taking my turn, I'll honor with this award the following:
❤ elycia
Go grab your button from here.
Have A Lovely Weekend!
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  1. Love the gloves and the beautiful things you do!! I sew in front of the TV and sometimes I feel like a granny too!!

  2. Επιτελους η πολυποθητη φωτογραφια!!!!χαχαχα!Αψογη!!!!
    Πoλυ ωραια χρωματα στα γαντια!Πρεπει να καθιερωσουμε μια φορα την εβδομαδα να συναντιομαστε και να πλεκουμε απο κατι!!!Τι λες?
    Σ'ευχαριστω πολυ για το βραβειο!!!Εσυ εισαι ομως πιο trendy!!!:D

  3. Love those gloves, congrats on the award!! and thanks!

  4. Thank you! That's very sweet of you :)


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