Today I've decided to add this funny feature on my blog. I've seen it around and looks interesting.
From time to time I'll be sharing "What's In My Bag", just because everyone is always curious about what's in a woman's bag! Plus, you can get an idea of the person who carries this bag just by looking to its content.
So, with no further ado, here's what's in my bag today.
1. Sunglasses. always in my bag because, you never know!
2. A mini umbrella. Usually in my bag for the same reason as the sunglasses, you never know when it's going to rain again!
3. A beanie to keep my head warm.
4. My Inspiration Book. Inside it I keep all the ideas that I have about my Blog, my Etsy Shop and every other creation that comes on my mind.
5. A set of Stabilo Fine point pens so I can draw and color whatever I want in my Inspiration Book.
6. My agenda-calendar. Helps me remember stuff.
7. My fancy pen.
8. Girly nail clippers. I always carry them around not just for my nails but for anything else that would need to be cut (a ripped thread from a piece of clothing e.t.c.). I don't know if it makes sense... :-)
9. Tweezers. Not ANY tweezers! Mine has the shape of a girl.
10. My driving licence, ID, business cards e.t.c. Whatever else I can stuck into this.
11. Bobby pins. For that unruly hair that may need a little shape up.
12. USB memory sticks.
13. Liposan! My lips are always chapped in the Winter but also in the Summer. I suppose they can't stand the too cold and too hot weather.
14. Herbal Jasmine Mints. My sister gave them to me when I was in Berlin. I LOVED the metallic package!
15. Instant cleansing hand gel, antimicrobial. I have a thing about clean hands. I wash them several times every day and if I'm not near a lavatory, well, this hand gel is my savior!
16. My beautiful wallet. A present my bo-boy gave me after his trip to London.
17. Heart Shaped Pocket mirror. I have this FOREVER! It was a gift from my good friend Afrodite AGES ago. Although, one part of it is broken, I still keep it, ignoring the rumors about bad luck.
18. My cell phone, of course, but I forgot to take it out of my bag. Sorry.
So, what's in YOUR bag?

#5 and #11 are my faves :D