Today I'm going to show you how you can make a fun and cute booklet which you can use it for journaling, keeping little notes, a mini photo album or... just for fun! It's SUPER EASY and you can use any materials and scraps that you have already laying around your house. My version is around 10.5x10.5cm (4.14x4.14") but you can adjust the size according to the size of paper you want to use.

- a piece of cardstock of your choice (any size or material). Mine was a big piece of golden cardstock that I've cut it into A4 size.
- pieces of plain paper of your choice (those would be the inside pages). Mine were plain white A4s.
- cutting mat and a cutter or scissors or whatever cutting tool you feel more comfortable with.
- needle and thread of a coordinating color or even contrasted color to give it a more interesting touch.
- embellishments of your choice. You can make whatever you want to decorate your booklet's cover.
- glue of your choice, according to the materials you want to glue together.
- optional: a puncher for cutting corners, embossing plates, hot glue gun.
First you take the piece of paper (A4) and fold it in half.

You cut a piece of 10.5x10.5cm (4.14x4.14").
That would be your cover.

If you have the proper tool you can
punch your edges to be round.

Repeat the steps for the inside pages.

Only this time you are going to make
the inside pages a little bit smaller
so that they won't show out of the cover.
10x10.5cm (3.94x4.14")

Now if you have an embossing tool of some sort
you can decorate your cover.
I recently purchased the Sizzix Big Shot and I have to say...
I'M IN LOVE! It's pure magic!

It's ok to skip that step if you want.

Make sure that everything falls into place right.

Find the center of your pages and mark it.

Then mark about 2cm (0.80") from each side.

With a big needle, punch little holes
on the spots you've marked.
If you can't do it all at once (the paper I've used was super thin)
try to divide them but be careful not to miss the right spots.

Now take your needle and choose a thread.
I preferred a color that was close to my cover's color
but you can use any color you want.
Begin from the outside and through the middle hole.

You go up through the first hole.

and then again through the middle one.

Continue through the second hole down
and then again through the middle one.

Repeat one more time the same steps until
you finish up through the second down hole.

Go all the way up through the first hole
and end up through the middle one but behind the thread
so that you'll have a piece of it outside
each side of the horizontal thread.

Tie two simple knots to secure it in place

and cut the rest of the thread.

Your booklet is ready to use!

Now you can decorate the cover if you want.
You can make things out of cardstock, felt,
yarn or fabric, it's all up to you.
I've made one with a felt flower and
one with a rolled flower out of fabric.

I've cut a thin piece of fabric.
I haven't really measured it though.

I've made a simple knot on the edge
and I've started to roll the fabric around that knot

twisting it up and down as I was going on and put a dot
of hot glue in the end to secure everything in place..

Then I've cut some scraps of green felt
two leaves and a round one as a base

and hot glued them together.

I've also put some glue on top of the flower
and sprinkled some glitter.

Finally I've hot glued again the whole flower piece
on the cover of my booklet.

I've also made some samples of greeting cards
and tags using the same embossing pattern.
How do they look?
Now go and make something!

Καλέ εσύ έκανες παραγωγή όχι αστεία!!Είναι φανταστικά!!!
ReplyDeleteΑλήθεια έχεις βρεί πουθενά αλλού σχέδια για την Sizzix, μου έχει πάρει μια δώρο ο Θοδωρής αλλά δεν μπορώ να βρώ απλά γεωμετρικά σχήματα. Κϋκλους κατα προτίμησει. Μήπως έχεις ιδέα!?
Ευχαριστώ για τα καλά σου λόγια! Είναι να μην πάρω φόρα! ;-) Ακόμα είμαι κι εγώ στο ψάξιμο για σχέδια και μήτρες για το Big Shot. Κάποια τελευταία που πήρα τα έκανα παραγγελία από το
ReplyDeleteΈχουν πολύ καλές τιμές, προσφορές, τα μεταφορικά τους δεν είναι πανάκριβα και τα παρέλαβα με courier στον χώρο μου περίπου 1 εβδομάδα μετά. Αρκετά καλά νομίζω. Ρίξε μια ματιά και ίσως βρεις αυτό που ψάχνεις.
Παρα πολύ όμορφα τα βιβλιαράκια σου!!!Μπραβο!
ReplyDeleteΒρηκα αυτο το σαιτ το οποιο εχει clearance σε sizzix,cuttlebug,spellbinders κλπ.Ριξτε μια ματιά! Υπαρχουν πολλα άλλα online stores για να αγορασετε μητρες για το big shot.Και εγω αυτή την βδομάδα το παρέλαβα το μηχανημα και εχω φάει κολλημα!!!
Σ'ευχαριστώ πολύ. Μάλλον όμως ξέχασες το link για το site που λες. Έχω βρει αρκετές προσφορές και στο eBay, αλλά προσπαθώ να συγκρατηθώ προς το παρόν γιατί στο τέλος θα μείνω εντελώς άφραγκη! χαχαχαχα Τελικά το Scrapbooking και τα gadgetakia του είναι πολύ addictive! ;-)