Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm turning... 29! (one step before 30) Can you believe that? On Monday I'll be 29 and 1 day, meaning...heading to 30 and I still feel like... I don't know... 25?
If you ask me, I haven't realized how fast the years have gone by, since I've finished high school. I mean... how long has been since I was 18? At times I feel as if my life has slipped away through my hands.
I usually don't have regrets because I believe that everything in life happens for a reason, a reason to learn, to change, to evolve, to grow... but there are times that I feel stuck! Like this moment... The last 2-3 years I don't even want to celebrate my birthday. Maybe because that day reminds me of goals that I haven't gone after.
When I was young, being 30 seemed so far, far away. When I would be 30 I would be... OLD! :-) There are so many things I've wanted to be and have accomplished by now, but somehow on the way I've lost track. "Go with the flow" is my motto, but I think I've been a little too much carried away. I hope I'll be able to change that this year. BEFORE I turn 30!
And a little amusement, favorite quotes for this day:
"Birthdays are for reminding you that you were born,
not for thinking you're getting old".
"You know you're getting old when
the candles cost more than your birthday cake".
This would absolutely be my birthday cake!
I would ate it whether is my birthday or not!
(all images via We Heart It)
So, tell me, how do you feel about getting "older & wiser"?

Ευτυχισμένα Γενέθλια!
Αύριο είναι τα γενέθλιά μου. Κλείνω τα... 29! (ένα βήμα πριν τα 30) Το πιστεύετε; Τη Δευτέρα θα είμαι 29 και 1 μέρα, που σημαίνει ότι... οδεύω για τα 30 και ακόμα νιώθω σαν να είμαι... δεν ξέρω... 25;
Αν με ρωτήσετε, ούτε που κατάλαβα πόσο γρήγορα πέρασανμ τα χρόνια από όταν τελείωσα το λύκειο. Θέλω να πω... πότε ήταν που ήμουν 18; Μερικές φορές νιώθω πως η ζωή μου γλύστρισε μέσα από τα χέρια.
Συνήθως δεν μετανιώνω γιατί πιστεύω πως οτιδήποτε συμβαίνει στη ζωή γίνεται για κάποιο λόγο, για να μάθουμε, να αλλάξουμε, να εξελιχθούμε, να μεγαλώσουμε... αλλά έρχονται στιγμές που νιώθω εγκλωβισμένη! Όπως τώρα.... Τα τελευταία 2-3 χρόναι δεν θέλω ούτε να γιορτάζω τα γενεθλιά μου. Ίσως επειδή αυτή η μέρ αμου θυμίζει στόχους που δεν κυνήγησα.
Όταν ήμουν μικρή, το να είμαι 30 φαινόταν πολύ, πολύ μακριά. Όταν θα ήμουν 30 θα ήμουν... ΜΕΓΑΛΗ! :-) Υπάρχουν τόσα πράγματα που ήθελα να είμαι και να έχω καταφέρει μέχρι τώρα, αλλά  κατά κάποιον τρόπο αποπροσανατολίστηκα."Go with the flow" (ακολούθα το ρεύμα) είναι το μότο μου, αλλά νομίζω πως παρασύρθηκα λίγο παραπάνω. Ελπίζω να καταφέρω να το αλλάξω αυτό τον χρόνο. ΠΡΙΝ κλείσω τα 30!
Και λίγη διασκέδαση, τα αγαπημένα μου
αποφθέγματα γι'αυτή τη μέρα:
"Τα γενέθλια είναι για να θυμάσαι ότι γεννήθηκες,
όχι για να σκέφτεσαι ότι γερνάς".
"Ξέρεις ότι γερνάς όταν τα κεράκια κοστίζουν
περισσότερο από την τούρτα των γενεθλίων σου".
Αυτή θα μπορούσε σίγουρα να ήταν η τούρτα μου!
Θα το έκανα ούτως ή άλλως!
(όλες οι εικόνες απ'το We Heart It)
Για πείτε μου λοιπόν, πώς νιώθετε που γινόσαστε "μεγαλύτεροι & σοφότεροι";


  1. Hope you have a wonderful birthday! I know exactly what you're talking about in this post too. I am turning 29 this year and I've been going through the same thing!

  2. Our society seems to have this idea in its collective head that after a certain age, all creativity and activity and adventure stops. With each passing birthday, I remind myself that this is absolutely NOT TRUE. I don't want to live passively, letting time fly by, but at the same time, I have DECADES to do what I want to do! Hooray!


  3. Ohmygosh HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!! :] I hope it is a great one! Don't worry, age is but a number, and my mom said that 29 was her best year ever.
    I hope you have so much fun tomorrow!

  4. hello new classmate!

    happy birthday to you!!! wishing you a magical and fun year ahead.

    as for older and wiser...aging is a strange, fascinating, and positive experience for me. i was very excited to turn 30 (5 years ago - eep!) and have discovered that life keeps getting more and more amazing as the years pass. it's expanding in all directions. i think this view is a choice, and the choice is yours.

    "it is best to take the moment present as a present for the moment." - stephen sondheim

    have a wonderful day!

  5. Thank you all so much for your wishes!I really appreciate them!


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